Friday, May 10, 2013

Let the games begin (again)

So the 4th edition game we've been playing has kind of fizzled out. That's ok though, we were planning on switching to next anyway. Our dm has been working on a new campaign and this seemed like a good time to make the switch. Imagine a world where everyone lives the original American dream of being a farmer.  There are no large cities and magic has been outlawed by the church.  There's more to it, but that's the jist.  I'm really excited for the new campaign setting and game system.

While our regular DM finishes up his plans for the campaign setting and first few encounters I've been ask to run a session or two of Brave New World for our group.  Two of us first played on Tabletop Day and it was  a ton of fun.  My wife watched us play BNW is a low powered superhero game set in a dystopian America. 
Mechanically it uses open ended d6 rolls to resolve everything.  It makes for a refreshing change of pace from the d20 system we normally use.  

Our little mini campaign revolves around a group of deltas (super powered individuals) fighting for their lives in an online reality show.  The first installment involved just two characters fighting against increasingly dangerous foes over the course of several rounds.  Delta Hunt, as the show is called, is going to continue this Monday with a larger cast of characters.  I'm going to have most of the players attempting to rescue the last person that is to be "recruited" for their team who was captured by a mercenary army.  

I'm looking forward to getting a better grasp on the rules and letting the characters really cut loose against their foes!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Buck buck buck

So my wife and toddler have decided to team up and make sure i know how dumb it is to try to make this blog. But i am determined to prevail.
Tonight's dinner is roasted chicken and st kielbasa stuffing . Yum yum.

The keys to making an awesome chicken are good sea soning and letting the bird rest once it's done. That second point can't be stressed enough. Resting makes sure the chicken is nice and juicy. 
To get the skin crispy you'll want to make sure to dry off the chicken and then coat it with some sort of oil. Tonight I used a stick of butter. This is also when you do the seasoning. It's ok to go a bit heavy on the salt here, it will only help make the skin crispier.
Ignore my dirty stove.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. We put the chicken in for 45 minutes. After the 45 minutes are up lower the heat to 375 and bake until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 180 degrees.   Once the chicken is dead take it out of the oven and let it rest for about 15 agonizing minutes.

Back for now

So it's been a while. Life kind of kicked me in the teeth around Christmas and I've been on the the go ever since. Things have been crazy hectic both at home and at work, but I've decided to start updating this blog again to help keep me sane. So stay tuned for more gaming and nomming goodness.