Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Usual Suspects

I suppose  I should introduce the players and characters in the Dungeons and Dragons Game.

Jak'Thel  (Me): A githzerai Swordmage.  He is trying finding his silver sword which was taken from him when his warband was ambushed.  Formerly a runepriest, he made a bargain to his deity, Ioun; goddess of knowledge, to exchange his knowledge of runes for arcane powers to better protect his allies.

Cash (John): A tiefling warlock working for a mysterious fey backer.  He is also a member of a large trading family, which comes in handy when the group needs rare items or certain information.

Hyacinth (Christine): A pixie psion who was cast out of her noble family.  Psions and fey don't usually mix, but we don't complain when she is taking the minds of our enemies.  She is working for the same backer as Cash but neither of them know it yet.

Solayne (Courtney): The deva cleric who is terrible at being good.  We think she only does just enough good to not reincarnate as a rakshasa.  We're not even sure she actually worships a god.

Kul (Rich): A shade vampire who sees everyone around him as food.  He can't actually tell the difference between any of the party members.

Elf (Jay): An elf so stupid his parents didn't even give him a name.  We call him Elf or pincushion when he does poorly. For a ranger he is terrible at hitting things, unless they are almost dead.

John is also the DM.  He is pretty easy going, which is a great fit for our group.  His main concerns are us having fun and character experimentation.  He's pretty new to DMing so we have been doing a lot of premade encounters.  This has become more fun as he has become more confident and started leveling up encounters to match us.

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